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Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Ποιάς ειδικότητας νοσοκομειακοί γιατροί πληρώνονται καλύτερα στις ΗΠΑ ...??

25 Highest-Paid Specialties: Salaries for Hospital-Employed Physicians

Written by Bob Herman | February 23, 2012 

Hospitals are purchasing physician practices and employing physicians at some of the highest levels in roughly two decades. Here are the top 25 highest-paid physician specialties, with average salary figures, that were in hospital-owned practices based on the most recent data from the Medical Group Management Association's Physician Compensation and Production Survey: 2011 Report Based on 2010 Data.

1. Orthopedic surgery — spine: $714,088
2. Neurological surgery: $701,927
3. Cardiovascular surgery — pediatric: $681,408
4. Neurological surgery — pediatric: $656,282
5. Cardiology — electrophysiology: $601,111
6. Orthopedic surgery — hip and joint: $589,267
7. Cardiology — invasive-interventional: $586,765
8. Dermatology — Mohs surgery: $586,083
9. Cardiovascular surgery: $567,171
10. Orthopedic surgery — trauma: $562,688
11. Cardiology — invasive: $550,000
12. Orthopedic surgery — sports medicine: $550,000
13. General orthopedic surgery: $526,398
14. Radiology — diagnostic-invasive: $513,000
15. Pediatric surgery: $505,281
16. Anesthesiology — pain management: $502,775
17. Orthopedic surgery — pediatric: $489,500
18. Radiology — diagnostic-noninvasive: $485,334
19. Anesthesiology — pediatric: $482,299
20. Radiation oncology: $477,807
21. Thoracic surgery: $475,708
22. Orthopedic surgery — hand: $475,370
23. OB/GYN — maternal and fetal medicine: $473,227
24. Orthopedic surgery — foot and ankle: $469,492
25. Dermatology: $465,543

Πηγή: http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/

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