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Παρασκευή 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Ακούνε οι ΜΕΡΚΟΖΥ? .... Greek workers actually put in longer hours than anyone else in Europe — 42.2 per week, compared to just 35.6 in Germany....

Πηγή: www.guardian.co.uk

As Europe's leaders gather to discuss how to rescue the mediterranean economies and safeguard the single currency, it's tempting to resort to crude national stereotypes of prudent, hard-working Germans and lazy Greeks.

But the Office for National Statistics seems to be on a mission to rescue us from our own prejudices. New data published this morning shows that Greek workers actually put in longer hours than anyone else in Europe — 42.2 per week, compared to just 35.6 in Germany. If you look at full-time figures, it is even starker.


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