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Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Χριστουγεννιάτικο Θαύμα ... αλλά και αφορμή προβληματισμού για όλους μας ....

21 Year-Old Man Wakes From Coma Before 

Doctors Take Organs (Video)

A 21 year-old Arizona man woke up from a coma just hours before doctors were preparing to take his organs for donation.
Sam Schmid was in a horrible car accident in October. Doctors thought he would not survive but then he woke up.

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A 21-year-old man has awakened from a coma just hours before doctors were ready to shut off life support and take his organs for donation purposes.

Sam Schmid, an Arizona college student who was thought to be brain dead, recovered from injuries sustained in an automobile accident in October just hours before he was slated to be killed and his organs given to other patients.

The accident took the life of his best friend and college roomate and Schmid’s injuries were thought to be so grievous that a local hospital could not treat him and he was sent to Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Phoenix to receive surgery for a life-threatening aneurysm.

As hospital officials began palliative care and talked with his parents about organ donation, Schmid began to hold up two fingers on command and started walking with the aid of a walker. Now, his speech has improved and doctors say he will have a complete recovery.

“Nobody could ever give me a better Christmas present than this — ever, ever, ever,” his mother, Susan Regan, told ABC News. “I tell everyone, if they want to call it a modern-day miracle, this is a miracle. I have friends who are atheists who have called me and said, ‘I am going back to church.’”


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